The position of the planets and constellations in space at the time of birth of a person is called horoscope. The horoscope is divided into 12 parts. Each of these parts is called ‘Bhav’ or ‘House’. The House or ‘BHAAV’ is constant and each BHAAV is 30 degrees.
(The zodiac sign that rises on the horizon at the time of our birth is our Ascendent sign. The zodiac sign in which the moon lies is our lunar sign. We study the auspicious effect of zodiac, constellation and planets on our life.)
Every person’s horoscope is different due to the difference in time and place of birth. The horoscope is the epitome of the accumulated karma of the Native. As one person is born in a hut while another person is born in a palace. This difference is the accumulated karma of that person’s previous birth. The horoscope guides us when and how we become successful in our lives by using the asset of sins and virtues that we are born with.