“Jyotisham suryadi grahanam bodhakam shastram”
Astrology is the study of the sun, planets, and time. Jyot means light and Ish means God.
‘Astrology is the light that God gives in our lives’. This light is located in the sky (akash mandal)and the knowledge of various subjects related to it is called Jyotirvidya. The science that has the complete knowledge of this science, described, is astrology.
This science has evolved since ancient times, and the research and change in its scientific rules has been continuous till today.
Astrology originated in India. Our ancient sages have imparted important knowledge of both astronomy and astrology to the entire world through their yoga sciences and observations of the celestial solar system. India has made a huge contribution in this regard.
There are two main types of astrology: planetary astrology and phal jyotish is the study of the rotation of the sun, moon, constellations and other stars in the sky, motion, time, position, their form, eclipse. Astrology is the text from which our sages have written the knowledge of auspicious yoga on the basis of this, the suffering, pain, pleasure, sorrow, etc. that comes from it. In order to become proficient in this science, it is necessary to study it in detail.
Many questions arise in the mind of man about the two subjects of phal jyotish and science. A person who fails in life climbs the ladder of astrology and believes in theology. The aspirant also says that astrology is a lip service.
The argument that theism is superior or effort is superior is very old. If the effort is accompanied by luck, then success will always appeal to you. This is our destiny.
The astrological horoscope tells you how much and when you will get this support.
This scripture is vast. Astrology is the guidance given by looking at the planets from the horoscope.
We can make our lives easier by using this scripture in our daily life and by taking proper guidance from it.
The astrological horoscope tells you how much and when you will get this support.
This scripture is vast. Astrology is the guidance given by looking at the planets from the horoscope.
We can make our lives easier by using this scripture in our daily life and by taking proper guidance from it.